Monday, February 13, 2017

Advice to communist

Dear advisor,

My name is grant and I have been asked to turn a boy into a man. The problem is that he was called a hog and acts like one because thats what he was called. Without the fact that he believes he is a hog I do not have a idea of how to make him man. I need help finding a way to breakthrough to him .

      Hearing someone describe you as a animal is enough to really hurt someones feelings and pride . I believe it may have broken his will. I believe he is aware that he is no hog but intends to mimic one as mockerey because that is what he is said to be. I need an idea to get close to jefferson and to get him to be willing to listen to what I have to say

Sunday, February 5, 2017


              A Lesson before dying  chapter 3

        "If you say so, Mr Henri".
          "I say so," he said.

       The quote and the conversation at this point of the book shows that seperate but equal is not really equal. She has to beg Henri to do a simple task for her. Even though sge served his family for a long time. When grant did not say sir to Henri he gave him a funny look because he knows he gas a certain dominance over them.
                             Chapter 4
     "Now his godmother wants me to visit him and make him know----prove to these white men---- that he's a man . Im supposed to make him a man. Who am I? God?"

      Grant does not have a idea of how to make jefferson a man. Which is one of the reasons he does not really want to do it. Also he knows that it will be hard for him to change the minds of the white men prespective of him

Dicussion questions part 2

           Lesson before dying chapter 4

          The book says they have a slaughter house for hogs so when they compare jefferson to a animal that the town has factories for killing it makes it seem like he should die like the other hogs.

           Grant wants to leave because he does not feel free where he is at. He will not leave because of his job and because of vivian they have an arguement and she tells him the commitment he should have towards the kids he teaches

Disscussion questions

              lesson before dying  Chapter 3

         It does because he seems as if he is not going to really talk to his brother in law. Henry seems like he just wants to have emma off his back. By asking her can he now return to his guest.

          He says that because she is giving him an option but he knows that he can not refuse what she is asking. He knows he at the least owes her that favor. He is annoyed by it especially because she interuppted him.

         The backdoor symbolizes the past where him and his family worked on the Pichot plantation. It shows that they arent really treated like guest or even equals. Telling someone to go through the back door makes it seem like they arent very welcomed.

She constantly speaks about the things she had done for the Pichot family over the years. She feels that he should owe her the small favor.