Monday, January 15, 2018

     1. When someone says forever its based off of the things that are currently going on now. Which is why people often go back on their word when they say forever.
     2. It is important to cherish life because you only will recieve one . After you die you will not come back.
     3. If you can atleast help someone else your actions are never in vain.
     4. Poetry and books give you a feeling that you cant get anywhere else because it makes you really think about what is going on.
     5. The world is cold and never gives back to us.
     6. Sometimes silence can be just as effective as actual communication.
     7. People always think about what if’s because they wonder if they could have made things turn out better for themselves.
     8. Nature is something authentic while art tries to imitate things that are authentic.
     9. All we know of  those who go to heaven is that they leave us which creates hell for us.
    10. Things will constantly work against you but its good to always hope for better.
    11. How much can be accomplished by a person in their life time which seems very short looking at it after its done.
    12. Whenever someone accomplishes something it slightly relieves them.
    13. The mind wanders more when you shut your eyes. The reason why is your not distracted by whats in front of you.
    14. Watch how someone acts so you won’t be suprised by the actions they take.
    15. You will only feel satisfied once you have loved you will feel empty without love.