Sunday, September 24, 2017

Review king lear

King lear was an intresting book, but it was very predictable. From the beginning you were able to see the outcome and future problems. The book had multiple themes within it and ended tragically for alot of its characters. It was fun to act out the play with my classmates. Alot of the dialogue was still confusing despite reading the no fear edition. The concepts and ideas of it are still able to be grasped by high school students.

Friday, September 8, 2017

The monk's tale

     There once was a deacon, he followed the word with no mistakes. The deacon was in a financial slump. His  fear of the lord was so great he wouldn't dare sin intentionally. The deacon was also very prideful.
     The deacon lived alone hoping to one day become the pope. He had no friends because he did not speak outside the church. One day he feel ill with a fever and vomitting . He had been ill for 3 days with no sign of recovery. He spent his sick days praying the rosary and to god for recovery
     Eventually one day the deacon feared the worst for himself. He began to see things that weren't there. He then saw his dog enter the room. The dog began to speak the deacon was astonished. The dog told the deacon you worry so much about sin that you dont realize that you are sinning. At times it is good to be prideful but pride can lead to sinning. God will always forgive no one is perfect. The deacon's eyes began to get heavy. He eventually passed out, by the time he woke up his fever was gone
     The next day the deacon told the priest what happened. He looked at him with disbelief. The spiritual meeting made the deacon realize he shouldn't try to be perfect. He also realized the importance of having help from others. The deacon after years of faithful work towards the church became the pope.