Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Sorrow of war questions

1. Why do you think Kien was able to return home so quickly after the fight at the tavern?

2. Why does Phoung describe herself as a dark chapter of kien's life ?

3. What does the author mean when he says razor's edge ?

4. What do you think caused Kien to day dream back to the day his battalion died?

5. Why do you think the book constantly transitioned bettwen present and past on page 86-87.

6. What does Kien mean when he says everything seemed to change? Pg87

7. Why do you think the night described as magical gave him melancholy joy instead of remorse and regret?

8. What does the author mean by saying Kien's book he is writing had its own flow?

9. Why does the author believe dying and living is separated by a thin line.

10. Why does Kien feel dead soldiers were more shadowy then the living ,but more significant?

Sunday, October 16, 2016


1.  Yes, I believe they do it because they think thier children will not be self motivated. By forcing them to acheive they believe they will eventually want it for themselves
2.  Some conflicts parents and childrens have is asking for things, going places, breaking rules, and disrespect.
3.  Yes, anyone with enough motivation can drive themselves to achieve the things they want.
4.  No, they can end up bad for each side of whatever argument may be happening.
5.  My parents allow me to do more than a typical chinese kid but im not allowed to do everything. Chinese parents are very demanding and strict  with their children.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A southbound adventure
       Fact -         "Park's creek pass which at 6,100 feet above sea level was completely covered in snow."

Intresting thing I read-
       One of the hikers had slipped in the snow and fell a large distance

       The PDF describes a dangerous but, fun hike. The hike I chose was called a southbound adventure told by the view of a woman. The PDF said that someone slipped in snow and fell off the trail. While on the hike they were chased by thunderstorms, cold, went through times when they were low on food. The hikers also recieved support from other hikers. From what I read, I believe the hikers enjoyed what they experinced while hiking.
What intrests hikers into doing these trails?

Couldnt link PDF

Saturday, August 20, 2016

My writing

My writing was not very bad in my opinion. I was not used to writing  under a time limit as short as that one; so I had a couple spelling mistakes. I also had a commonly confused word;I had informal language  because I was  trying to get my thoughts out quickly.   So, I feel like speed is something i should try to better myself in so i can edit my paper before its due.

Sunday, August 14, 2016


My name is kenneth smith I am in Mr rease's ap language class. I am a middle child with alot of sisters and one brother. The rest of my highschool years I would like to pull my gpa as high as possible. I hope to learn as much as possible from this class because writing is not one of my strong points. My hobbies are playing the game and walking. I am from prichard alabama but have moved to dip. I hope this class well help me to be a very fluent writer from now on.