Thursday, May 3, 2018

The color purple movie and book differences

     There are many differences between the book and the movie, however the book goes more in depth with  scenes and story development. When watching the movie I felt like i did not know the characters as well as i did from the book. Sofia, squeak, and other secondary characters did not have as many scenes as they did in the book rather than the movie. Also the movie adds some scenes and changes them a lil bit to make the story more appropriate. An example of this would be the kissing scene with shug avery and celie finding herself.
     Another thing that’s different from the book and movie is that shug is actually oppressed by a man. In the book, she is a proud women being the controlling person rather than the oppressed. Shug attempts to please her father many times in the movie because he doesn’t like the way she lives. Another difference is that Mr.____ doesnt come to realization of the wrong things he’s done to celie

Monday, January 15, 2018

     1. When someone says forever its based off of the things that are currently going on now. Which is why people often go back on their word when they say forever.
     2. It is important to cherish life because you only will recieve one . After you die you will not come back.
     3. If you can atleast help someone else your actions are never in vain.
     4. Poetry and books give you a feeling that you cant get anywhere else because it makes you really think about what is going on.
     5. The world is cold and never gives back to us.
     6. Sometimes silence can be just as effective as actual communication.
     7. People always think about what if’s because they wonder if they could have made things turn out better for themselves.
     8. Nature is something authentic while art tries to imitate things that are authentic.
     9. All we know of  those who go to heaven is that they leave us which creates hell for us.
    10. Things will constantly work against you but its good to always hope for better.
    11. How much can be accomplished by a person in their life time which seems very short looking at it after its done.
    12. Whenever someone accomplishes something it slightly relieves them.
    13. The mind wanders more when you shut your eyes. The reason why is your not distracted by whats in front of you.
    14. Watch how someone acts so you won’t be suprised by the actions they take.
    15. You will only feel satisfied once you have loved you will feel empty without love.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Favorite tale

      my favorite tale is the pardoners because the moral lessons it has. The moral lessons still apply to the world today

King lear entry #2

     Edmund furtherd his plot to get his dad to turn on his brother. The king was also turned away by the oldest daughter. Which confirmed she was lying about her feelings for her father. Kent’s loyalty is deep he attacks oswald because he sides with the daughters instead of the king. Edmund throughout this act show how naive everyone else is. The king goes to his second oldest daughter. The oldest sends a letter to the the second oldest. The sisters are very similar similar and the oldest knows she will not want to deal with their father either. The sisters cone togeather at reagan house with the king. They try to convince him that he is being unreasonable. The king us very immature abd feels he should have his way. When he doesn’t he has a fit and does something careless. He then leaves both of the daughters and goes off alone

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Macbeth act 1

The play starts off with witches peforming chants and other things. The story then goes to the king who is honoring macbeth. The witches tell macbeth he will become king he doesn't really believe it. He does not intend to act on it but his wife is greedy she makes a plan to fufill the prophecy. The actions she took and macbeth not putting his foot down explains their relationship that he is submissve to his wife

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Psalms 121

The psalm talks about god comming to help. It tells of nany different sutuations where god helps. It also says that god never sleeps so he is always available to us. It also says that "all of my help cometh from the lord ". Its saying that we dont need anyone but god really. The psalm teaches that god is always there to help in anyway and for any other reason that we could need him .

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Review king lear

King lear was an intresting book, but it was very predictable. From the beginning you were able to see the outcome and future problems. The book had multiple themes within it and ended tragically for alot of its characters. It was fun to act out the play with my classmates. Alot of the dialogue was still confusing despite reading the no fear edition. The concepts and ideas of it are still able to be grasped by high school students.